For upwardly mobile career conscious Lawyers looking to embark on a defined and transparent career path and avoid the significant opportunity cost of remaining in a sub optimal role, or for those already in Partnership and seeking to leverage their prospects from a more supportive foundation we’ve become the trusted advisors to countless lawyers who’ve made confidential, considered, fully informed, objectively assessed and career rewarding lateral transitions.

Our core values of being CONFIDENTIAL. COMMITTED. CONNECTED ensure   the process is competently and comprehensively navigated while removing risks to deliver quality, successful and enduring outcomes for all stakeholders.

You only have one career so it’s vital to proactively manage it. Ambition is not a dirty word at FOCUS because matters re career matter to us.

Contact Ian Dhu on a confidential basis on 0414 32 88 64 to learn how you and your career can benefit from this proven service or

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